Women who were historical witnesses of the August Revolution in 1945

August 19, 1945 was an important historical significances of the country. It enableed our people to escape slavery and master the country and their lives. The victory of the August Revolution has affirmed the right policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the work of mobilizing women, and it is also the victory of a policy that closely combines the goals of national liberation and class liberation as well as women’s liberation. Under the leadership of the Party, and gathered in the organization of the Women’s National Salvation League and the Vietnam Women’s Union, in various positions, Vietnamese women have made sinificant contributions. Here are the stories of some women, the historical witnesses, who took part in some great events of the country nearly 80 years ago.

Tan Trao National Congress – the forerunner of the National Congress of Vietnam

On August 16, 1945 in Kim Long Village, Tan Trao Commune, Son Duong District, Tuyen Quang Province, the Tan Trao National Congress was officially launched with the participation of 60 delegates representing all regions and genders, political parties, national salvation organizations, etc.

The Congress unanimously approved the decision of a genral uprising to seize authority for the people. It also approved 10 major policies of the Viet Minh and elected the National Liberation Committee (the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam), headed by President Ho Chi Minh. The Congress also stipulated that the National Flag was red flag with a 5-pointed yellow star in the middle, and the National Anthem was the song “Tien quan ca” which was composed by musician Van Cao.

Participants in this important historical event were a couple Duong Duc Hien and Thanh Thuy, representatives of the Party of Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Her memories of her participation in the National Congress in the Tan Trao National Congress that year were shared in her autobiography “Love and Idealism”, publish in 1998.

 “At noon on August 16, we reached to Tan Trao. After washing our faces, some of our comrades urged us to get dressed well for the departure ceremony of the Liberation Army.

Under the shadow of the ancient bayan tree, the troop stood silently, orderly, and dignitily. After Comrade Văn (Comrade Vo Nguyen Giap) read the order to leave, Comrade Trần Huy Liệu on behalf of the Congress welcomed the liberation unit and wished the unit to defeat the Japanese in Thai Nguyen. On behalf of female delegates, I addressed the speech at the convention.

I was really moved. I could not speak much, only few words:

  • Comrades, move forward and librate Thai Nguyen and head straight for Hanoi. Meet all of you in Hanoi when it is independent.

Few people know that Thanh Thuy, whose real name is Nguyen Thi (Khanh) Thuan, was born and brought up in Hanoi, into a traditional and rich family. “Being born with the silver spoon”, she soon realized the revolution, and dared to give up everything to join the revolution and protect her love to the end. The person who enlightened and guided her was the President of the Indochina Student Association. He then was her husband: Mr. Duong Duc Hien, Head of Ministry of Youth of the Provisional Governemt. (August 1945 – March 1946)

In 1948, she participated in the Central Women’s League, Central Board of Transportation Department, permanent member of the Vietnam Women’s Union. She was responsible for the Central Propaganda Department of the Vietnam Women’s Union. She actively contributed to the birth of the Vietnam Women’s Newspaper.

Journalist Thanh Thuy and her husband (Lunar New Year 1958)

Uprising to size power in some localities

In Hanoi, righ at noon August 17, 1945, we turned the rally of the Genral Council of Officials (puppet government) in the city’s Grand Theater Square into a rally of the masses in support of the Viet Minh. Women in Hanoi joined in tens of thousands of people, among the speakers at the rally was Nguyen Khoa Dieu Hong, member of the Demorcartic Party’s Propaganda Campaign Team.

 “On August 16, 1945, comrade Chu Van Tich met me and informed that there was a meeting of the Genral Council of Officials at the Operal House on August 17, 1945, etc. He gave me a hand-sized paper. I read and suggested for changing some words, ect.

On August 17, it stopped raining at around 2 pm and the sun shone. I wore purple traditional long dress together with with pants. I took a purse and went with comrade Chu Van Tich to the Operal House.

People gathered crowdedly. I moved to the stage, and pepple who were in charge to fix for the voice loudly. I raised my voice: “Please keep silent!”

All people was silent, I clearly read the brief call: “Japan has surrendered to the Allies” The time has come, all of you support the Viet Minh in its struggle for independence for the Fatherland.

When I stopped talking, the shout “Support Viet Minh” rang out like thunder. Dozen of red flags with yellow stars emerged and ran in all directions. On the second floor of the Operal House, comrade Tran Lam unfurled the red flag that lit up the entire the Operal House. I mingled with my fellow countrymen, overwhelmed by the excitement ò having accomplished my mission.

Mrs. Nguyen Khoa Dieu Hong read the call of the Viet Minh

The rally turned into a demonstration march in the streets of Hanoi, attracting large crowds to participate and on August 19, 1945, under the leadership of the Northern Committee and the Hanoi City Committee, the Hanoi people classes rose up to seize power victorily.

In just fourteen days, all the way from the North to the South, the revolutionary government was established. During the great General Uprising of the entire people, along with the leading participation of the women’s force, may exemplary examples of the revolutionary spirit of Vietnamese appeared. Madam Ha Thi Que, who participated in the seizure of power in Bac Giang Province and was elected to the Provincial People’s Revolutionary Committee. She was also in charge of the province-wide military work. Madam Truong Thi My joined the rebellion leadership, occupying Hoai Duc District (Hanoi). On the morning of August 19,1945, she led a protest group of more than 600 people carrying guns, tridents, swords, etc towards Canh to Hanoi. They walked and chanted the slogans “Support the Viet Minh” and “Down with the puppet government of Tran Trong Kim”. Ms. Phan Thi Ne was a deputy commander of the uprising to seize power in Hoi An. Madam Nguyen Thi Dinh (Ba Dinh) held a flag and led thousands of people, most of whom were women with knives, sticks, and bright red banners, into Ben Tre Town. Ms Tran Thi Nhuong (also known as Sau Ngai) led the uprising in Sa Dec. She was appointed Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairwomen of the Revolutionary People’s Committee of Sa Dec Province.

Independence ceremony on September 2, 1945

The victory of the general uprising in Hanoi, Hue, Saigon as well as other urban areas and provices by smashing the enemy’s headquarters was decisive in the victory of the revolution throughout the country. On the afternoon of September 2, 1945, the Independence Ceremony was solemenly held at Ba Dinh Square, Hanoi.  The Provinsional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, chaired by Ho Chi Minh, was introduced to the nation. On this important day, female member of the Vietnam Liberation Army Propaganda Team Dam Thi Loan (Tay ethnic), returned from Viet Bac war zone and female patriotic intellectual Le Thi, active in the Hanoi patriotic movement had the honor of hoisting the red national flag with five-pointed yellow star to to top of the flag platform at the ceremony.

Ms Le Thi, whose real name is Duong Thi Thoa is the daughter of professor, literary researcher, and historian Duong Quang Ham. She joined in the revolutionary activities when she was a student at Dong Khanh School (now known as Trung Vuong Secondary School in Hanoi). She als took part in the National Salvation Youth Union at the age of 17.

On September 2, 1945, in the Women’s Union for National Salvation, Ms. Le Thi mingled among tens of thousands of people who flocked to Ba Dinh Square (Hanoi) to attend the rally – the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. A comrade walked from the stage towards the position of the Hanoi National Salvation Women’s Union and said: “Comrades, send someone to raise the flag!”. Everyone immediately in the front row turned towards. Mrs. Le Thi: “Le Thi, Le Thi, raise the flag!”

                    Ms. Le Thi (left) and Ms. Dam Thi Loan on the day they met again on December 22, 1989

Along with all Vietnamese people in the whole country, millions of women were towards Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, filled with excitement and emotion, listening to the Declaration of Independence read by President Ho Chi Minh: “Viet Nam has the right to be a free and independent country – and in fact it is so already. The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty.”

Nearly 80 years have passed, the memories of those historic August autumn days and the stories of the women who witnessed that history will still remain valuable in every person today and in the future.


  • Love and Ideal, Vietnam Women’s Publishing House, Hanoi 1998
  • History of the Vietnam Women’s Union, espisode 1 (1930-1976), Vietnam Women’s Publishing House, Hanoi 2017.
  • Materials, images of Vietnamese Women’s Museum