The Comic and Cartoon Contest – Gender Equality: Picture it!
40 outstanding drawings from the “Gender Equality: Picture it” Comic and Cartoon Contest are on exhibition at the Vietnamese Women’s Museum, between March 1st and March 10th, 2016. The contest was organized by the Embassy of Belgium, the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) in Vietnam and UN Women Vietnam, in cooperation with the Vietnamese Women’s Union, with the aim of eliminating sexual violence as well as other forms of violence against women and girls.
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Vice President of The Vietnamese Women’s Union read the welcome speech
During the contest, the organizers received a total of 116 drawings from all over Vietnam by Vietnamese nationals aged 18 and above. This showcased a high interest in gender equality among Vietnamese citizens. In their drawings, contestants pictured their thorough understanding of women’s status and gender equality in Vietnam. They highlighted various issues such as the increasingly imbalanced gender ratio resulting from prenatal sex selection in favor of boys, violence against women and girls and gender stereotypes that hinder the full development of men and women.
Visitors paid attention to the drawings
The three winners of the contest are Nguyen Vu Xuan Lan, Nguyen Duy Thanh and Tran Thu Huong. Below are their drawings.

1st place: “Fair but not equal”

2nd place: “Filtering Sperm”

3rd place: Not fair