Continuing the success of the mobile exhibition “Children in the war”

Continuing the success of the mobile exhibition “Children in the war” that took place in primary schools within the Hoan Kiem District as well as welcoming the International Museum Day on May 18th, 2014 with the theme of “Museum collections make connections”, the Vietnamese Women’s Museum and Kim Dong Publishing House have decided to re-open the “Children in war” exhibition in some primary schools in Hai Ba Trung District.
The “Children in the war” mobile exhibition was first held at Ngo Thi Nham primary school from March 19th to March 21st, 2014. Each picture describes some aspect of the child’s life during the war – from studying at school to working towards the war effort. The teachers and pupils from Ngo Thi Nham primary school were truly touched.
Nguyen Anh Thu, a pupil from Grade 5 shares: “I saw that the children in the war had a harder life than we have now. They had no tables and desks for learning, no shoes, and sandals to wear in the winter and they did not even have enough food to eat. But they still kept learning, helping their parents, and being happy.”
Thanks to this exhibition, children understand more about the difficulties that so many children faced in the war. Being aware of the hardship children once faced has meant that children now can love and respect their life more. This is the main motivation of the Vietnamese Women’s Museum officers. The museum wishes to continue to improve this educational model to many schools within Ha Noi City in the near future.
The pictures below are of pupils in Ngo Thi Nham primary school excitedly taking in the exhibition and joining in with the interactive activities.