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In recent years, VWM focused on redeveloping museum education through experiential programmes which best meet students’ needs and interests.  The education department created new educational content and activities for students to present a variety of information and skills in a fun, dynamic way.

VWM’s educational programmes are designed with the aim “Education starts from experience”.  This approach allows the museum to present information in an interesting, fun, and creative way allowing students to enjoy learning and benefit from the information available. In addition, each program is designed for a target audience based on grade level or age group.   Educational programmes are offering a new experience where the student is the Inquirer and is actively engaged in their personal learning; allowing the museum representative to serve only as a guide along the way.

VWM offers students more than its permanent exhibits and the Discovery Room.  In addition, the museum offers travelling exhibits which can be displayed at schools so that students gain more information and create a bridge between the museum and schools.  Educational programmes are promoted and implemented during the school year.  Also during summer vacation, the museum organizes and develops clubs and activities for kids.

Available educational programmes

Discovery Room

School Tours

Discover social issues through exhibits

Travelling Exhibits

Contact: Educational and Communicational Department

Conducted educational programmes