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The memorial flow of “Love in the time of war”

The memorial flow of “Love in the time of war”

“War” – a word, when mentioned, provokes the image of brutality and separation. A memorial to the generation who participated in two resistance wars against France and America. To the generation who sacrificed their souls and blood for their independence and the freedom of their nation. To the generation’s power to overcome those days with the pure and sacred love for their nation.

July 30, 2022July 30, 2022
A moment of Vietnamese woman in a meeting with international organizations

A moment of Vietnamese woman in a meeting with international organizations

On the 1st of July 2022, The Vietnamese Women’s Museum established the exhibition “Vietnamese Women Moments”. This was developed in partnership with an exhibition called “Joining hands for the advancement of women and sustainable development” from the Centre of Vietnamese Quintessential Craft Villages in Bat Trang, and with the Ha Noi Vietnamese Women’s Organization.

July 2, 2022August 12, 2022

Virtual Questionnaires For the Public

Based on the contents of the virtual museum tour, we developed such interesting online questions in order to help the visitors gain more knowledge about the history of Vietnamese women as well as the Vietnam Women’s Union. Please click this link to gain interesting experiences by answering all these questions

December 30, 2021January 10, 2022
A gift representing beauty and peace made from a war remnant

A gift representing beauty and peace made from a war remnant

"Eureka" - a famous exclamation attributed to the Greek mathematician Archimedes has been a familiar expression when it comes to celebrating new discoveries, inventions and creativity. It is also one of the themes of this year’s Museum Week. We will tell you a story with a “eureka factor,” which shows how skillful and talented Vietnamese people were during the wartime.

June 10, 2021June 21, 2021